csütörtök, szeptember 27

I’m at the end of my studies at the University. As my degree will be design engineering I’d like to work in this field or close to it. It means that I’d like to design products for users or help in creating (and especially designing) these products.

My favourite topics are ergonomics and marketing. I’ve got wide, but not too deep knowledge of these areas and I’m capable of learning and digging deeper.

It’s important to me that I want to use my skills in my job. I’ve got solid computer user skills and I like working with it.

I work daily with Office products (Word sometimes Excel), I use Adobe Photoshop and had to use AutoCAD.

I am a somewhat social person: I enjoy working in a group. Of course there are jobs on which I prefer to work, or take the first steps alone. Mostly these are creative jobs; when I have to find a new idea I often need to think alone for awhile. After that I can enjoy the benefits of group work.

I think it’s important to be able to work with others. It’s easier and faster when more people work on the same project – if the communication is fine in the group and everyone knows his place. It is true for me too; I need to know the range I am responsible for.

I generally like helping out with my work, contacting other people and solving problems. I’m happy when I can see the result of my work and I prefer to know what I’m working for.

I like organizing events and people, because this job involves creative thinking and communicating with others and I can see the results.

gyakorlok állásinterjúra.

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"Wide but not too deep"

lolz :D