Szal ezeket terveztem tegnap. Mindent a deviantart stockjaiból szereztem, egyszer majd, ha nagy leszek, utánanézek, mit honnan, de egyelőre.
Amúgy ezek leendő előadások, voltak Kapolcson, remélem, lesznek még sokat.
Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...
70% Intrigue, 78% Civilization, 72% Humanity, 48% Urbanization.
As Mister Spock would say: Fascinating. It seems you've managed to hit the edge of the curve on all metrics. An extraordinary life is almost certain.
According to your answers, you want it all, you want a lot of it, and you're willing to do what it takes to get it! Adventure! Romance! Technology! Challenge! You love civilization. You like people. You love the complications and joys of a big, weird crowd of humans plus lots of other beings wandering into dangerous and complicated corners of the galaxy.
There is an ideal place for you, and you are ideal for it: Welcome to the crew of the starship Enterprise. Captain Kirk would have welcomed you aboard himself, but his head was too big to fit in the landing bay.
1. Kattints rá a Wikipedia "random article" linkjére. A szócikk címe lesz a zenekarod neve.
2. A "random quotation" oldalon válaszd ki a legutolsó idézet legutolsó 4-5 szavát. Ez lesz a zenekarod albumának címe.
3. Majd a Flickren az utolsó 7 nap érdekes képei közül válaszd ki a harmadikat, bármi is legyen az. Ez lesz az album borítója..." by webisztán
Who stole the sun from its place in my heart?Tegnap énekórán megint rájöttünk, hogy egyelőre akkor tudok énekelni, ha átélek (meg B-t, meg C-ét :teglaellenvedopajzs: ). Igazából csak repülni kell megtanulnom, mert szinte érzem a szárnyakat (meg aztán a hátamban az izomlázat), kúlság. Fókuszok, ugye, Vashölgy?
My arms are like the branches; of the tree that never dies
My heart was filled with laughter; like the madness in your eyes
My fingers are like daggers; scratching symbols in your skin
We exist beyond redemption; no salvation without sin
Wake me up before I change againálmodtam is, villamossal-busszal a világ végére, mint rendesen, ismerős városban jártam, itt szoktam máskor is ...
Remind me the story that I won´t get insane
Tell me why it´s always the same
Explain me the reason why I´m so much in pain
Before I change again...
Remind me the story that I won't get insane
Before I change again...
Remind me the story that I won't get insane
A million faces, each a million lies
for each and all a chrome disguise
prompts for action, force reaction
embody promise in a sheen so pure.
Hurt, the measure of blind ambition,
the testament to your singular disease.
Against all wisdom you heed no warning,
your desires giving you away.
If I could change your mind,
I wouldn't save you from the path you wander.
In desperation dreams, any soul can set you free.
And I still hear you scream,
in every breath, in every single motion.
Burning innocence, the fire to set you free.
Your actions turn conquest to dust.
Importance of fate, you foolishly place trust.
Sense fear in your broken breathing.
Resort to shadows till your body expires.
All creation has the promise of heaven,
and still you travel the road to hell.
I'm saying nothing for the good of myself,
but I'm still talking and you're not listening.
If I could change your mind,
I wouldn't save you from the path you wander.
In desperation dreams, any soul can set you free.
And I still hear you scream,
in every breath, in every single motion.
Burning innocence, the fire to set you free.
As night descends upon the city,
the streets are cold, the lights go by.
And in the stories of the people,
a million faces, a million lies.
They'll never say they feel what you feel,
that they can see the world you see.
And in their faces, their expressions,
a million faces, a million lies.