mondanom. z egy ilyen nap.

You are a "Fun Loving Goth." You don't
care what you do as long as it's fun. No one
tells you what to do, and you rarely listen to
the voice of reason. Instead, you listen to
your heart and let the chips fall where they
may. Sometims this attitude get's you into
trouble, and sometimes it get's you out of it.
What Kind Of Goth Girl Are You? w/ pics
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a "Fun Loving Goth." You don't
care what you do as long as it's fun. No one
tells you what to do, and you rarely listen to
the voice of reason. Instead, you listen to
your heart and let the chips fall where they
may. Sometims this attitude get's you into
trouble, and sometimes it get's you out of it.
What Kind Of Goth Girl Are You? w/ pics
brought to you by Quizilla
2 megjegyzés:
Abb kéne hagyni a sok kvízelést..ez is függőséget okoz...BUT ITS SO MUCH FUN!
Én azt épp próbálom megállni, h. ne rakjam tele a saját blogomat ezekkel. :))) (Egyébként a fentire nekem is u.e. jött ki. :D)
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