kedd, december 30

Mételynél találtam:

Jack Russell Terrier

The Artist

You, my friend, are an artiste! Fuelled by a hounding sense of creativity and an untameable desire to express yourself, you see the world through rose-colored glasses one day and then wrestle the curtains closed and turn off the lights so you can ponder life the next. Your dog-eared journal is filled with brilliant ideas about rescuing the universe, yet you have trouble training your noggin on any one of them for any significant amount of time. Your originality occasionally manifests itself as performance art, and you love showing off your amazing athletic abilities in front of an audience. When it comes to taking on the leader of the pack, you’re not afraid to sink your teeth in - and won't loosen your grip until you've gotten your point across.

FAMOUS JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS: Vincent van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, Prince, Janis Joplin

LIKELY PROFESSIONS: Painter, Architect, Software Engineer, Activist

What dog breed are you? I'm a Jack Russell Terrier! Find out at

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